REV Project Overview
The brainchild of an existing Client that we have worked with for over a decade, REV is an exciting project that we started in May 2016. The process started with turning the Client’s ideas into a Design Concept Document and developing the project with two different shipyards in a competitive bid process. We worked alongside each other in developing ideas and concepts with the shipyards to ensure that REV will hold her place amongst the research vessel fleet. The Client Team also consisted of Espen Øino International and H2 Yacht Design, exterior and interior design respectively, who have been integral to the project.
With the chosen shipyard the project developed to contract negotiations and a contract being finally signed in Q2 2017. Since cutting steel in 2018 we have been assisted with resources by REV Ocean who will, on delivery of the vessel, take over the operational requirements.
Interesting facts on REV:
Further info can be found
at REV Ocean.
REV measures 182.9 m by 22m and is 17,440 GT
There are 9 laboratories onboard, with a 6000m ROV, 6000m AUV and a Triton 7500 submarine capable of reaching depths of 2100m. Facilities also include a double-height hangar with a 65m2 moonpool, a container deck with trawling targa arrangement. REV also has various advanced Kongsberg sonar arrays housed in a gondola and twin drop keels.